Installing git on your computer

 To set up Git on your PC, follow these steps:

1. Download Git:

   - Go to the official Git website:

   - Download the appropriate version of Git for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

   - Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

2. Configure Git:

   - Open the Git Bash application (Windows) or the terminal (macOS/Linux).

   - Set your username by running the following command, replacing "Your Name" with your actual name:


     git config --global "Your Name"


   - Set your email address by running the following command, replacing "" with your actual email:


     git config --global


3. Verify Git Installation:

   - To verify that Git is installed correctly, run the following command:


     git --version


   - You should see the Git version number printed in the terminal if the installation was successful.

4. (Optional) Set up SSH key (for GitHub authentication):

   - Generating an SSH key allows you to securely authenticate with remote repositories like GitHub without entering your username and password for each interaction.

   - Follow the instructions in this GitHub guide to generate an SSH key:

Once Git is set up on your PC, you can use it for version control, creating repositories, committing changes, and collaborating with others. You can start by creating a new repository using `git init` command in your project directory and continue to use Git commands to manage your project's version history.

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